Law Offices

Representation Assurance

 G Lynn Thorpe, PLLC

Our Firm takes particular care in our representation of our clients. Confidentiality is not only a requirement, but also a hallmark of our practice. Our clients can rest assured that their matters will be held in the strictest confidence and not be subject to disclosure and protected under the attorney/client privilege exception.


Our clients can also rest assured that our Firm will avoid conflicts of interest and does a complete review of our current and past clients database to ensure that dual representation is not present before the Firm is engaged.


Our Firm also adheres to the highest ethical standards and more as every ethical situation cannot be codified under ethical rules. Our Firm's motto is that, "if there is any question at all about whether a course of action is ethical, then don't do it".


We take particular pride in our history of satisfied clients who have expressed their satisfaction and appreciation for the timely, astute, and thorough handling of the various matters our Firm has handled over the years. Indeed many such accolades have come from other attorneys.


Our Firm's dedication to being active and responsible member of the communities in which we work and live forms the base of our core values. Having served on numerous community boards and municipal authorities, Mr. Thorpe has helped shape the future of the communities in which he has worked and lived.  Pro bono legal service is a major part of this program, as is charitable giving, but there is much more. The Firm has reached out to striving entrepreneurs with limited resources to fulfill their dreams by providing legal, managerial and capital to assistance.

Our Firm adheres to the highest ethical standards and more, as every ethical situation cannot be codified under ethical rules.


Our Founder's motto is that, "If there is any question at all about whether a course of action is ethical, then don't do it".


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